Dragging yourself up a bit to reach it, you examine the hole blindly with your hands, and a penknife from somewhere inside drops out onto your lap. The shaft of light disappears, and you know why: it's the creature getting closer! You let loose the loudest, most gutteral scream you've ever heard, and as its lunging claws approach you, you plunge the penknife into the chest of the beast. It recoils with a gurgling wheeze, and scampers off into the deep darkness. Now that you have the upper-hand, it's probably best to see what that shaft of light is all about.

As you drag yourself towards it, you can feel splinters from the broken floorboards embedding in your legs. You pick up and use a large piece of board as a crutch to aid your movement. As you swaddle to the shaft, you realize it's a basement window! Looking to your right, the creature recoils further into the darkness with a yelp.

You see a brick by your feet. You can smash the window!

Then a dark thought enters your mind.
You could probably use the brick, knife, and board to attack and finish off the creature that lunged at you.
Though, it does look rather piteable now.

Decisions, decisions...